Well my kids were so looking forward to Spring Break. We started the week off with Craig having a rare day off on Monday. The kids requested to go fishing at the lakes in our subdivision. It was a little slow going but finally the fish started biting. We were getting ready to go when all of the sudden Joel caught 2 fish right in a row. Now Christian had been very patiently waiting to catch some fish and when Joel caught those two he was like Joel I am going to beat you. Thus the competition ensued. At that time the count was Joel 2 Christian 1. Christian said the first one to 5 wins. Joel quickly caught another one and was up by 2. Then Christian started coming back and the score was Joel 4, Christian 3. Joel landed a fish and headed it toward the shore. The rule was you had to get it up on the bank. Joel lost his fish right before it hit the bank. That renewed Christian's energy but Joel quickly caught and got in 2 more fish winning the competition 5-3. Joel REALLY enjoyed beating his older brother. Caleb caught 2 fish and I caught 2. Poor Craig spent the whole time bating hooks and taking fish off that I didn't think he had a chance to catch any! (My battery in my camera died so that is why I only have the 2 pictures.)On Tuesday I took the kids to Rowlett to see Sherri who is staying with her mom (Gran Reba) while she is recovering from pneumonia. Aunt Diane's house is fully equipped with a pool table, 2 computers a Wii and a PlayStation so they had a great time.
Wednesday they stayed around the house and played with some neighborhood kids in a field next to our house. While Joel took a huge spill on his scooter that produced a lot of skint up skin but no real blood - Thank goodness!
Thursday I decided with Christian's help I would take all 3 of them back fishing. Boy was that a nightmare! Christian hooked Caleb in the back, Joel hooked Caleb in the foot and we had one fishing pole totally DESTROYED! Needless to say I will NEVER take them back without Craig. I was the only one who caught anything and after about an hour we came home! (Needless to say I have no pictures of this adventure!) I did our taxes this year for the first time in our 14 year marriage. Craig said if I would do them and if we got any money back I could have it. Wellll I did them, we got money back and I bought a dining room table last Saturday! The table was delivered on Wednesday and I LOVE it! Craig also got my pictures hung in the dining room as well so that once totally empty room is now FULL!
We start Baseball in full swing this week. Caleb plays in a tournament beginning on Wednesday and Joel's first ever baseball game is Saturday. Caleb's tournament is single elimination so he may only play on Wednesday or could play Wednesday - Saturday depending on their win streak. We play baseball from March 25th - June 20th! LONG SEASON. I am sure the blog will be full of pictures and updates as the season goes on.
So we started back to school this morning with a lot of complaints. Mainly from Joel who wanted to know why he couldn't be someone else and not have to go to school - we had a LONG discussion about how God made him special and had a plan for his life that only Joel can fulfill ALL before leaving for school. Of course they were in good moods when I picked them up this afternoon!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring Break!
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