Well it took a total of 7 months, 91 showings, 3 contracts, an EARTHQUAKE & A HURRICANE but we FINALLY completely closed on our house in Sugar Land. We were supposed to close on Friday, August 1st at 10:00 am. We had the moving truck load us up on Thursday, July 31st (the only day they were not booked)and then received a call that our closing had been moved to 2:00 pm on Friday. Not a huge deal except Craig was driving the HUGE U-haul truck while pulling his car on a trailer and was not looking forward to fighting Houston Friday afternoon traffic. As we pulled into the title company's parking lot around 1:40 pm on Friday we received a call that we would not close on Friday. The holdup was the earthquake that had occurred in California. Our buyers were from California and their paperwork was slowed down because of office closures due to the earthquake. Craig and I left for Dallas around 2:00 that afternoon and arrived around 7:30 that night. He navigated that big rig as we affectionally called it very well and only had one mishap at a gas station!(Luckily someone took pity on us and helped Craig navigate out without hitting the gas pumps!).
Of course as we loaded stuff into storage and into the apartment we picked the hottest day in Dallas! But by around 3:00 on Saturday we had everything that needed to go into storage in storage and everything for the apartment in the apartment! We received a call Monday morning that we were to sign the papers on our house in Sugar Land at 2:00 pm in Frisco, then they would overnight them to Sugar Land for our buyers to sign. Our buyers were to sign at 10:00 am on Tuesday morning but due to the threat of the Hurricane which only ended up being a tropical storm they were able to sign around 3:00 on Tuesday and it was a done deal - YEAH!The last couple of days have been spent registering the 3 boys for school and constantly saying walk on your tippy toes!! Did I mention that they only had a 2 bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor!?? So, we are constantly telling the boys walk softly, don't run, walk on your tippy toes and it will only be 4 months! They are adjusting but I know everyone will be really ready to move into our new home!
Haven't taken any pictures except for this one of Joel. He is standing in front of the sign for his school (of course Caleb will be attending there but he did not want to have his picture taken and you know Christian is way to cool to stand in front of his school for a picture)!!!
Thank you to everyone who prayed for our house to sale! We are really looking forward to plugging into our life here in Frisco!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Finally in Frisco!
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